STANDARD: EN 196-9 Used to measure the heat of hydration of cements by means of semi-adiabatic method. The equipment consists of: Testing calorimeter, calibrated, Ø…
Basically similar to mod. E094, but complete with sand dispenser and safety door to CE Safety Directive. Two speeds can be selected. Supplied complete with…
The mould is mounted on a vibration platform with excentric mechanism. The machine is supplied complete with separate control panel with timer, but without cube…
STANDARDS: EN 196-1, 196-08 | ISO 679 | ASTM C109, C511 For curing large quantities of mortar, cement and concrete specimens, at controlled humidity and…
Suitable for curing large quantities of cement, mortar and concrete specimens at controlled temperature and humidity. Temperature range: +18 °C to +30 °C with accuracy…