Matest S301-02 is the new high performance load frame specifically designed for advanced laboratories where maximum testing speed up to
100 mm/min is desired.
The expected variable speed range of this electro-mechanical
machine makes it suitable to perform Unconfined, CBR and Marshall
tests other than standard triaxial on soil specimens up to
150 mm diameter.
This heavy duty load frame has provision for automatic load or displacement/
deformation control and employs new technologies to
precisely follow the shape with elegantly rounded corners.
A touch-orientable display, front mounted, allows an easy and
innovative control of the main functions and data acquisition.
Maximum testing speed: 100 mm/min
Maximum specimen diameter: 150 mm
Maximum compression capacity: 50kN
Innovative shape with elegantly rounded corners
Touch-orientable high-resolution display
Suitable to perform Unconfined, CBR, Marshall and
Standard Triaxial tests