Universal Load Frame IDEAL for Asphalt and Soil Compression Tests
IDEAL-CT (TTI Method) ASTM D8225, SCB Cracking Tests (TP124, ASTM D8044), SHEAR BOND STRENGTH TEST (Tex-249-F), and TSR (AASHTO T283)
NEW IDEAL RT-Jig (Rutting Test)
InstroTek’s SmartLoader is a variable speed universal load frame that can perform a multitude of monotonic loading tests. The SmartLoader is perfect for Balanced Mix Design (BMD) testing and comes preprogrammed with a number of BMD tests, including IDEAL-CT (Cracking Test), IDEAL-RT (Rutting Test), IFIT, and LSU SCB test. Additional tests can be programmed using the LCD touch screen and saved for later use. Switching between tests is fast and simple using the touch-screen menu. The SmartLoader has up to 8-input channels and can be operated in both load control and displacement control. Its compact design allows easy placement and use on any laboratory benchtop.
The SmartLoader is a cost-effective load frame with all the necessary accessories, testing jigs, and analysis software to perform a wide variety of asphalt and soil compression tests. Its versatility and ease of use make it ideal for any raw materials testing laboratory. Please contact an InstroTek representative for any inquiries about the SmartLoader Universal Load Frame.
The SmartLoader – The SMART way to perform asphalt loading tests
Asphalt Testing:
- SCB (IFIT and LSU Methods)
- DIRECT SHEAR on asphalt interlayers
- Cost-effective load frame to perform Balanced Mix Design (BMD) testing
- Wide Variety of Test Fixtures Available
- Color touchscreen display; 320 x 240 pixels
- 8 analog A/D inputs, for load, displacement, etc.
- Fully automatic test process with real-time acquisition and a graph of load/displacement or load or deformation versus time curve
- Removable memory capable of storing 1,000s of tests
- PC analysis software available for tests
Additional Specifications
- Weight: 130kg (300lbs)
- Height: 145cm (66″)
- Foot Print: 50cm W x 55cm D (20″ W x 22″ D)
- Power: 110/120V (220V optional)
- Max Compression: 50kN (11,000lbs), Optional [10 KN (2200 Ibs)]
- Max Tension: 25kN (5,600lbs)
- Ram Speed: 0.01 to 51 mm/min (0.0004 to 2.0 in/min)
- Ram Travel: 100 mm (4″)